Communication is the best way to ensure you don't feel any amount of pain you shouldn't feel during your massage. During your massage, your massage therapist will check in with you regarding how gentle or strong of pressure you are receiving is reaching your specific needs. While you may experience pain during a massage, if you suffer from injury, have incredible tension or have something else going on, it should be very minimal.
There are several types of massage that focus on different parts of the body or healing approaches. Prior to your massage, your massage therapist will discuss with you what your goals are regarding your session. During your massage, they will check in with you regarding how gentle or strong of pressure you are receiving is reaching your specific needs.
Everyone has different needs and reasons for needing a massage. A massage can help relieve pain, relax your muscles, improve your posture, or reduce your stress.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some conversation may be necessary for a professional and effective massage: For example, checking in on the level of pressure or if your temperature is comfortable. Any conversation beyond that is decided by you when it starts and stops. Many times, our clients start to feel the relaxing effects of massage after about 20 minutes. They may casually talk up until that point and then quietly begin to relax. Your therapist will follow your lead
Your massage therapist will ask you to undress to your level of comfort. Many people prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others prefer to be nude. It is what makes you feel the most comfortable.
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